Yesterday I saw a post, the traffic jam to work originally 40 minutes by car, walked nearly two hours! With so much traffic in the city, will motorcycles make a comeback?
Now there are more and more young people who play motorcycles. There are many beginners who don't know how to find a motorcycle suitable for them. In order to help you make this choice, here are 14 models suitable for beginners.
According to the Statistics of China motorcycle Chamber of Commerce, in April, China's motorcycle production and sales were significantly lower than the previous year.
Recently huswana released two professional off-road new cars in China -TE250i, FE250, although the price of the two models is similar, but the core part is respectively equipped with a two-stroke engine, four-stroke engine.
The new KTM imitation RC390 is about to be released on the market in China, since the last declaration of 3C information, this is the first time that KTM official channels revealed that this new upgraded imitation race models will be on the market.
A lot of people buy motorcycle first choice import car, second choice joint venture car, and domestic motorcycle is often not the first choice to consider.
For some older motorcycle friends, because of personal constitution, preferences and other factors, in the choice of motorcycle and young groups are also slightly different.