market dynamics
Damage to the motorcycle by pulling the clutch or gliding in neutral while going downhill
Release date:2024.07.11

In order to save fuel, some motorcycle friends hang neutral or grasp the clutch when going downhill, and only use the brake to control the speed. This operation method will not only involve driving safety, but also have a direct impact on some parts of the engine, so if you want to ride with peace of mind and want to operate reasonably, you must calm down and look down.

If the speed is too fast, the fast gear of the clutch is low, and the speed is too high for the engine, which has a little impact. If the gear is too high, the speed may not be enough to cause stalling.

In addition, do not pull the clutch neutral sliding, open manual gear cars and motorcycles are like this, there is no brake power of the engine, relying on the brake is not possible, because the long-term downhill braking will lead to overheating of the brake, the brake will become soft, very dangerous.

In addition, if the brake is used in the corner, especially the rear brake, it may lead to sideslip and fall.

So downhill on the low gear, half clutch or no clutch use engine braking, brake auxiliary braking.

For the EFI motorcycle, the pull and clutch or neutral sliding operation will not save fuel at all, and it will cause some potential harm to the engine gearbox, and it does not have any help for driving safety.


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Secondly, the clutch as a transmission, the most injured is the friction plate, because it does not belong to the working characteristics of the work items, so it will produce unnecessary wear, if the speed is quickly combined, it will be easy to break.

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