market dynamics
Hot summer comes, riding electric spray motorcycle precautions!
Release date:2024.07.11

1, it is best to maintain your motorcycle before the summer;

Because the summer temperature is higher, it is best to carry out a thorough maintenance of the motorcycle before the summer, such as checking whether the tire pressure is normal, whether the oil, gear oil needs to be replaced, and whether the water-cooled motorcycle coolant is normal. The circuit system should be checked in particular, and an EFI plug can be treated with waterproof and rust prevention to ensure that the EFI system works normally.

2, do not force water pavement;

Summer rainstorm weather, many urban road will form a "look at the sea" mode of water, if you ride the electric spray motorcycle, you must not hard trip, electric spray motorcycle in the process of wading, in addition to the engine easy to fail, the electric spray system sensor plug is also easy to water failure. That is to say, the EFI system is not afraid of rain washing, but afraid of rain soaking, because although the plug of the EFI system has been waterproof treatment, it is still unable to guarantee the immersion of water after full immersion, causing a short circuit, which leads to the failure of the EFI system, but we do not have to worry, the circuit current of the EFI system is very small, and will not produce harmful leakage accidents.

3. Stop cycling in summer to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun;

Some motorcycle friends do not pay attention when parking in summer, park the car to a place where the sun can direct, especially at noon, exposed to the scorching sun! Some motorcycles break down. For example, after the motorcycle is exposed to the sun, it will produce a laborious phenomenon of ignition, and the idle speed is unstable.

In addition, if the motorcycle is exposed to the sun for a long time, the car paint and instrument screen are also damaged, fading, and even fission is only a matter of time! Therefore, if you park for a long time in the summer, you must choose a cool place! If you can't find any shade, you can put the car jacket on. There is also remember to wax the car after washing the car, no harm!

4. Try to avoid riding for a long time;

Avoid long periods of motorcycling. Driving for a long time will cause the engine to overheat, thus reducing the power of the engine, keep the appearance of the engine clean, to avoid the appearance of the engine is too dirty affect heat dissipation. Remind motorists that in the case of overheating of the engine, do not use cold water to pour the engine to reduce the engine temperature and prevent the engine from bursting.

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