market dynamics
Motorcycle running-in period knowledge summary
Release date:2024.07.04

Motorcycle because of its compact structure, the use of high speed, the engine internal piston movement to produce greater friction, car conditions relative to the car to be poor, for a new car, to make the car engine internal parts with each other, the new car must have a period of mileage run-in period.

As the mechanical structure of the piston type internal combustion engine, the internal parts of the engine are designed accurately. For the newly produced new cars, the surface of the parts is relatively rough, and the lubricating oil is always needed during the operation of the car to avoid damage during the run-in process.

At present, the level of industrial technology is getting higher and higher, but for the engine parts of domestic motorcycles, the precision of processing has not reached full precision, during the assembly process, there will still be some burrs and defects between the parts, this time, through the run-in period, the new car is driven in the low and medium speed range, so that the parts are fully run-in to make the car achieve the best state of motion. Even the motorcycle designed and produced by the world's top motorcycle manufacturers also requires a certain kilometers of running-in period, such as BMW S1000 series models, the car has not gone through a certain kilometers of running-in period, the engine speed can not be improved on the road, and the car automatically unlocks after running-in period.

The new car successfully through the run-in period for the later life of the car, the use of performance, how many problems will play a certain impact, so for the new car, how should we spend the run-in period?

1. Run-in mileage

The operating instructions of any motorcycle have the corresponding running-in mileage of the car, in general, the running-in mileage of a new car is between 2000 and 3000 kilometers.

2. Speed

Run-in period requires that the speed of the car can not be high running, small series combined with actual driving experience, the general new car in the first 1000 kilometers driving engine speed does not exceed 5000 RPM, occasionally more than it does not matter, but can not run for a long time. After changing the new oil for the first time after more than 1000 kilometers, it does not exceed 7000 RPM before 3000 kilometers, and the single cylinder machine has higher requirements for the run-in period, the speed does not exceed 6000 RPM, in general, the speed is pulled to 7000 RPM, and the car is already in a grumpy performance state.

 3: Speed

The run-in period generally requires not to drive at high speed, for motorcycles, personal recommendations do not exceed 80 kilometers in the run-in period.

For the running-in period of the new car, I think not only the mechanical running-in of the car itself, but also the man-machine running-in of the car and the car, through the running-in period, the driver can fully grasp the performance of the vehicle, understand the state of the car, familiar with the temper of the car, the two cooperate with each other, after the running-in period, the vehicle can give full play to the maximum performance!

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