market dynamics
Ride a motorcycle to recognize these three inferior parts
Release date:2020.06.11

(1) the harm of using inferior refurbished tires

Many moyo do not have too much concept of "refurbished tire", think from already won't so unlucky!! But what about the bad luck? If it is said that which motorcycle accessories will be related to the safety of moyo life, it is estimated that there is no accessories more important than motorcycle tires.

However, or a lot of profiteers in order to pursue profits regardless of the safety of the life of friends, unexpectedly sales of refurbished tires, each small partner in the purchase of motorcycle tires to a bit longer heart, brightening eyes to see clearly. There is a foreign moyo encountered such a bad luck, young man riding a tire just changed not long motorcycle on the road, drive not long, the tire peeling instantly led to the motorcycle slippery tire fell, back skin scratches bleeding.

Back skinned man, start to climb from the ground up to check the motorcycle where there is a problem, the result see peeling tires, so serious guy is fire emit three zhangs, soon because you just change a tire, guy touched back, also found that the dye in blood, by this time the most angry is that these unscrupulous businessmen, if the speed quick consequence is unimaginable.

From the picture, we can clearly see that the tire with a layer of surface skin is an old tire with blurred lines. It is estimated that the motorcycle repair shop reprocesses the old tire into a new one and then sells it at the original price. In fact, refurbished tires are very common, a lot of motorcycle shops to help customers change the tires, will put away the tires, and then processing and selling, not only motorcycle tires, car tires and bicycle tires are so, so you should be careful when changing tires.


How to tell when a tire is a new one?

Take a look: look at the pattern and color of the tire

Look from the grain first, because inferior refurbish tire processing is not standard, so the groove is relatively shallow, and refurbish tire usually will put the tire color is particularly bright, and the regular new tire will not.

Two find: find tire identification

(1) Brand tires produced by regular manufacturers have some protruded marks on the tires, indicating the type and performance of the tires, the date of quality assurance is printed on the inside, and the wear marks in the tread anti-skid groove are clearly visible.

(2) Generally refurbished tire signs are mostly re-affixed, with nails to scratch these signs, can pull off the tire must be refurbished.

(3) At the same time, after every qualified new tire leaves the factory, there will be a special wear mark. Generally, TWI or small triangle marks will be printed on the outside of the tire. Generally, reaching this mark means that the tire loss is relatively serious, so it cannot be used and must be scrapped. The label of inferior tire after renovation was pasted by the workshop itself.

Three touch: touch the lap joint of the tread and side of the tread

First feel the tire side, all kinds of signs are complete, each tire manufacturer have forum pattern code signs, see whether the pattern code and tire pattern corresponding. Secondly, to see whether the tire shoulder tread and tire joint is smooth, refurbished tires are self-made tread sticking to the old tire, the lap joint between tread and tire side is not as smooth as the new tire, tire side has the joint trace.

(2) the hazard of using inferior spark plugs

Spark plug purchase wading deep, common maintenance shop a spark plug the cheapest ten dollars, better to dozens or even hundreds of pieces, it happened that fool some people on the Internet, still pack mail below $10, broken price.mean-while logo in one year, as a result, many ignorance of the friend is cheated, never showed in this remind you, or a failure to endanger the safety of life!!!!!!

The spark plug works by converting the high voltage electricity from the pressure bag into an electric spark, which ignites a mixture of gas of gasoline and air in the combustion chamber of the engine and makes the engine start and run normally. The spark plug needs to withstand ultra-high voltage (20,000 ~ 30,000 volts), ultra-high temperature (2,000 ~ 2,500 degrees Celsius) and high-explosive pressure (50kg/cm2) when in operation.

1. Using inferior spark plug will lead to poor material quality of center electrode

The central electrode is not made of special nickel alloy material (there is no copper core embedded inside), which has poor thermal conductivity and is very easy to melt. The melting of the electrode may cause damage to the piston, cylinder block and other related parts.

2, the use of poor quality spark plugs will lead to poor insulation material quality

Poor conductive resistance (insulation), unable to withstand high voltage during ignition, prone to leakage, abnormal engine ignition, non-ignition, vehicle shaking and other faults.

3, the use of inferior spark plug will lead to poor anti-electromagnetic interference ability

The spark plug has no resistance and cannot resist electromagnetic interference. On the contrary, it will produce electromagnetic interference signal.

(3) The harm of using inferior helmets

For motorcycle riders, they should not buy helmets just for cheap price. Many inferior helmets with bright appearance are actually made of all kinds of waste plastic bags. In this way, to protect the motorcycle rider safety helmet, become the motorcycle rider "killer".

Most motorcycle riders do not know what the safety standard of Motorcycle Rider Helmet is, do not know which helmet brands are trustworthy, do not know what kind of helmet is a good helmet, so consumers in the helmet choice is relatively blind, not rational. Cheap, good-looking and comfortable became the top priority, not safety.

For the safety of yourself and your family, do not buy or use inferior counterfeit motorcycle helmets. Share the following simple identification methods for motorcycle helmets:

1. The shell shall be made of hard and durable materials that can absorb more impact energy; The buffer layer should be made of non-toxic and harmless materials that can absorb more collision energy and cover the head protection zone. The gasket is composed of materials such as sweat absorption and air permeability. Wear devices to ensure that the helmet and the head contact firmly; Goggles are made of materials that meet the light transmittance and impact force. The transmittance is not less than 85%.

2. Helmet weight requirements: full helmet <1.6kg, half helmet <1.3kg, left and right horizontal field of vision >105°, upper field of vision >7°.

3. There must be fixed marks on the helmet, such as product name, manufacturer name and address, trademark, product category, product model, specification, production date, batch number or serial number.

4. According to the head circumference, the helmet is divided into three sizes: large size 580~600mm, medium size 560~580mm and small size 540~560mm. The helmet must be selected according to the head circumference.

5. The helmet should be stopped after a major crash

When choosing a helmet, you should also pay attention to holding both sides of the helmet with your right hand and left hand, and then rub your head to put it on. When you take it off, it is the opposite. After putting on the helmet, you should shake it from side to side to try and see whether it is appropriate. You can't weigh a helmet by hand. The correct way is to try it on with your head, if your neck doesn't feel heavy.