market dynamics
When a motorcycle is turned off, it can stop for a while and then start to walk, which is usually the two problems
Release date:2024.07.25

Many friends who ride motorcycles have encountered this problem, the motorcycle suddenly stalled on the way, and then started but how can not start, but as long as after a short time can normally start walking, everything returns to normal, riding to the place where the repair car is not easy to find out the problem, such a problem makes the owner very troublesome, so, where is the problem? According to my experience in repairing cars, as long as there is a lot of motorcycle oil, I conclude that there are usually problems in these two places before such a situation can occur.

"One" oil circuit problem

After the motorcycle is used for a long time, there will be some gasoline impurities and rust deposited inside the tank. When these impurities and rust accumulate to a lot, they will be attached to the filter screen of the tank switch, resulting in a reduction in the amount of oil under the gasoline. When the motorcycle is running short distance and at low and medium speed, it can also meet the fuel supply of the engine. There will be insufficient gasoline supply and cause the engine to stall and not start. At this time, just stop for a while, and you can restart driving after the gasoline slowly flows to the carburetor.

There is also a gasoline filter between the motorcycle oil switch and the carburetor, which will gather a lot of impurities after a long time of use, resulting in a reduction in the amount of oil under the gasoline, and the same problem of poor oil under the oil switch.

Elimination method

The solution to reduce the amount of oil under the oil circuit and the poor flow of gasoline is very simple, just pull out the gasoline in the motorcycle tank, remove the tank switch, wash away the impurities and rust around the tank switch filter with gasoline, and then reinstall it. As for the gasoline filter, you can just replace it with a new one.

"Two" circuit problems

The phenomenon of flameout during driving caused by the motorcycle circuit problem cannot be started is very familiar with the phenomenon caused by the oil circuit problem, but the time to start the engine again after the circuit problem is caused by flameout is slightly longer.

This problem is commonly called (high temperature without fire phenomenon). So, how can ordinary motorcycle friends know that the high temperature of the circuit has no fire problem?

The specific operations after engine stalling are as follows:

Once unplug the high voltage cap, unscrew the high voltage cap from the high voltage wire

Second, open the electric lock, hold the high voltage wire head in one hand close to the top of the spark plug 5 mm start the engine, observe whether there is a spark pulsation

If there is no, it can be concluded that the circuit is high temperature without fire, if there is, it can eliminate the problem of high temperature without fire

There is a problem with high temperature and no fire in the circuit, usually the trigger coil in the engine coil has a problem, why?

Motorcycle engine coil is almost installed in the engine inside the left position, as long as the engine temperature increases, the temperature of the coil also increases, after a long time of use, some engine coil trigger coil aging, when the engine temperature rises to a certain extent, the trigger coil will appear internal short circuit phenomenon, resulting in high temperature engine without fire can not start. After waiting for a short period of time, the engine and trigger coil temperature decrease, the internal short circuit phenomenon disappears, so it can be restarted.

Elimination method

Replacing the trigger coil of the same type can fundamentally solve this problem

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