market dynamics
Eight of the most damaging motorcycle riding habits
Release date:2024.07.11

1, do not ride for a long time. After buying a motorcycle, many people put it in the garage for a long time and do not take it out to ride. No matter what the reason for being released from prison, such a long time without riding is very bad for the motorcycle. Not riding for a long time may cause tire deformation, shock absorption oil leakage and other conditions. And the car's battery will become charged due to long periods of inuse. In this way, the life of the vehicle will be greatly damaged.

2, did not finish the clutch in a hurry to change gear. When riding, many people will shift gears in order to pursue convenience and speed without pinching the clutch, so that the damage to the clutch and gearbox is irreversible, and over time, the engine function of the vehicle will decline very much, which will bury a great safety hazard in the actual riding.

3, cold car violent throttle. In the cold winter, in order to achieve the best riding state of the vehicle, it is often necessary to start the car before riding on the road. But many riders often do not pay attention to the cold car will be in neutral when the throttle. You know, in this way, often the lubrication and heat dissipation of the engine can not keep up. And most of the engine loss of the car is from such violent operation, only when a car is at its best, you can enjoy digging its violent side, not when it is not ready.

4. Frequent use of brakes. There is nothing wrong with having a good sense of safety, but the role of the brake is to do some trajectory correction and to brake in economic situations. Some people in order to simply reduce the speed, slam on the brakes, although this operation is essentially no problem, but over time the brake system will have a certain wear and tear, the life will not be long. Sometimes we can reduce the speed by loosening the throttle and shifting, or it is better to use less brakes, or try not to slam on the brakes and fuel the door.

5, ignore the alarm and car noise. When many people ride, they often hear some abnormal sounds of the car, but some riders will think that there is no big problem, and they can ride normally, which means that there is no problem. As everyone knows, although these are some small details, they are all important events related to the life of the rider on the way. These strange sounds may be a warning that a part of the body is loose, or a component is wrong. Therefore, riding is no small thing, safety is the most important! When encountering these alarms and abnormal sounds, the first thing should be to stop the car to carefully check and troubleshoot before continuing on the road.

6. Pass obstacles at full speed. Many riders, especially those with some off-road attributes on their motorcycles, often pass at full speed when they encounter smaller gullies. Such behavior, in fact, is the most dangerous in the whole process of riding, on the road, no matter how big the obstacles, gullies, we should slow down in advance. A little lighter, even if it can get by, the pressure on the shock absorbing spring and tire of the vehicle is much greater than that on the normal flat road. Although these can not be seen once or twice, but a long time such riding habits will greatly shorten the life of your car. If it's heavier, it'll wreck the car!

7 .The unsuitable car is used in the unsuitable place. In real life, there are often many friends who will mistake the real use of their motorcycles, you know, each car in the beginning of the design has its own bias. For example, the motorcycle is definitely suitable for long-distance riding, and the imitation race is more suitable for the track. But often people will think of taking pedals to cross country, with imitation race long-distance. Such behavior will often perfectly avoid the advantages of a car, in the end, their own riding uncomfortable, the loss of the car is no small matter!

8. the last point, but also the most important point, that is to comply with the traffic laws, to be a law-abiding good knight! This is the most important of all habits, but also the lowest bottom line as a rider!

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