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Quality is the main reason, the analysis of spontaneous combustion accident of motorcycle in summer.
Release date:2024.06.05

In fact, motorcycles will also occur spontaneous combustion fire phenomenon, but the biggest difference between motorcycle fire and electric vehicle fire is that the electric vehicle fire is more dangerous, because electric vehicles are generally charged at night, and charging is mostly in the shed, a car fire will cause a number of cars to burn, some electric owners will even take the vehicle or battery back home to charge, This is a very dangerous thing, we should pay attention to this, even if they do not take home charging, see others take home to dissuade or even alarm.

The motorcycle parked at home is not spontaneous combustion phenomenon, the motorcycle fire is generally in the process of driving, the owner found that the vehicle will quickly leave the vehicle after the fire, so as to ensure personal safety.

Today I will tell you about the causes of spontaneous combustion of motorcycles. In fact, we should note that there are two types of motorcycles that generally occur spontaneous combustion, one is a poor quality hybrid car, and the other is a motorcycle that has been modified to the motorcycle circuit system.

In the past, when I identified the quality of a motorcycle, I always liked to see the pipeline layout of the motorcycle, in fact, the main purpose of the pipeline layout is not to look good, but to safety, quality control of the motorcycle, the direction of the pipeline is fixed, including the fixed and card position of the pipeline, and even the anti-aging ability of the pipeline has certain requirements. Because the motorcycle is not fixed in the process of use, the line is easy to friction with the body or other components, and over time it will break the skin and short circuit. Just broken skin short circuit is not necessarily fire, just smoke, afraid of fear of vehicle oil leakage, it is equivalent to a lighter, a point on.

There are also some motorcycles on the circuit excessive installation and modification, resulting in line failure or electrical overload short circuit, such as motorcycles installed with inferior GPS anti-theft device will occur short circuit phenomenon. If there is gasoline or oil leakage at this time, it is dangerous.

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