market dynamics
What if the motorcycle parts get water?
Release date:2024.05.29

Motorcycle as a very mobile road transport, in the process of daily use, due to some storage conditions, due to flooding will lead to vehicle water failure. Especially in the summer and autumn driving, often encounter stormy weather, especially in some low-lying places where the water is deep, if forced to wade through the water, it will cause different degrees of water problems, if not timely necessary maintenance, will not only affect the normal driving of the vehicle, but also directly cause early damage to the motorcycle parts.

1 Motorcycle easy water parts

When the motorcycle is driving, once it wades into the water, the main parts that are easy to cause water are the fuel supply system and circuit control system of the vehicle, followed by the engine, igniter, generator and fuel tank and other components, and the fuel supply system of water infiltration includes carburetor and air filter.

Analyze the main water inlet ways of the fuel supply system: 1) from the tank cap into the tank and then into the carburetor; 2) By the air filter inlet suction into the carburetor; 3) From the carburetor vent pipe directly into the carburetor inside. The components that cause the water infiltration of the circuit control system mainly include the charging circuit, pulse high voltage coil, electronic igniter, ignition coil, high voltage cap, spark plug and starting switch, etc. (Some motorcycle models have a low position of spark plug, forming a similar pit switch, which is easier to produce water). After entering the water, the most easy place to penetrate the water is the high voltage cap and the flameout switch, as well as the igniter and the ignition coil with poor insulation performance, which will also cause the short-circuit problem between the circuits.

When the motorcycle is driving in rainy days and wading water, it is easy to have the problem of carburetor water, mainly by the valve line with the water flow down or the oil tank cap is closed poorly, resulting in leakage into the tank with the gasoline into the carburetor, especially when the valve line enters the port of the carburetor, the sealant sleeve if aging and cracking is easy to seep into the water, if damaged, should be replaced as soon as possible.

2 Main fault characteristics of motorcycle parts after water flooding

The main fault characteristics of the motorcycle after water are: 1) in normal driving, suddenly do not add oil, and the driving speed is more symmetrical slow decline, then the engine self-flamed, when this situation occurs, it may be the fuel supply system of the vehicle water. 2) When the vehicle is running normally, the speed of the vehicle suddenly drops, and is accompanied by an obvious feeling of frustration, and then the engine turns off by itself, which is the circuit control system water. 3) If the vehicle is driving normally, suddenly can not be refueled normally, at the same time the engine exhaust pipe gap "bang bang" sound, and there is the feeling of engine gap fire, although it can last for a period of time, but eventually the engine will stall, which is a typical circuit control system water failure.

Ignition switch water will produce starting difficulties, serious will burn the igniter and ignition coil, and the handle switch water will short-circuit the control switch contact, so that the light circuit can not open normally.

3 Motorcycle water maintenance and emergency treatment

In the specific inspection and maintenance, should first check the air filter and carburetor connection between the conduit is off and the conduit is loose, check the carburetor vent pipe mouth whether there is a water mark (to determine whether the carburetor has water inside), if it is determined that the carburetor has water, you can use the simplest treatment method. First turn off the tank switch, loosen the oil spill screw at the bottom of the carburetor (do not screw off all, loosen a few turns), then the oil spill line begins to slowly discharge, until it is completely discharged. Open the oil tank switch, and tighten the screw when the overflow pipe releases oil again. If the carburetor has been blocked by foreign matter, the above method is ineffective, should be removed the carburetor gradually decomposed, the use of special cleaning spray, thoroughly clean the carburetor each oil junction, oil injection hole and oil metering hole.

If the engine water will directly enter the oil, it will lead to the weakening of the lubrication performance of the oil, if the long-term parking does not continue to use, it is easy to make the engine hold the cylinder and pull the cylinder. First of all, the lubricating oil of the original engine should be put into the new oil. In the specific test, the spark plug can be removed and set on the high pressure cap, rotate on the edge of the cylinder, step on the engine starting rod, and observe whether the spark plug can normally jump fire, if the cylinder has been in the water, then the spark plug will appear side leakage and do not jump fire, indicating that the air filter has been damaged by water erosion. In addition, when the engine is turned off, use the foot to continuously step on the engine starting rod, and the water in the cylinder will also be discharged from the tail of the exhaust pipe.

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