market dynamics
The electrical system of a motorcycle consists of two parts
Release date:2024.05.16

(1) Power supply equipment that provides power to motorcycles;

(2) Electrical equipment to ensure the normal operation and safe driving of motorcycles. The two are connected with wires in an orderly manner, that is, the electrical system of the motorcycle is formed. The motorcycle in use will have some circuit faults for various reasons, and the motorcycle rider should master some circuit fault inspection methods in order to eliminate the fault in time.

1. Characteristics of motorcycle circuit

To master the inspection method of motorcycle circuit fault, we must first understand the structural characteristics of motorcycle circuit:

2 Repair and maintenance of partial fault of motorcycle circuit

(a) All working parts of the electrical equipment are connected in parallel with the power supply equipment, and the switches are connected in series between them. Under the control of the switch, the corresponding electrical equipment can stop or resume work without interference. According to this feature, under normal circumstances, it is convenient to check whether a certain electrical equipment is working properly.

(b) In the connection between the electrical equipment and the power supply equipment, a "single wire system" is adopted, that is, one end of the parallel connection is connected with a wire (called the live wire), and the other end is connected by means of the metal body of the motorcycle (called the iron end or the ground end). According to the polarity of the power supply equipment (such as batteries), the electrical system has a positive electrode and a negative electrode.

(c) The connection wires in the low-voltage circuit are monochrome or two-color lines of the specified color. Wires of the same color are usually used in directly connected circuits, and wires of different colors are used in indirectly connected circuits. According to this feature, the fault of circuit connection can be easily found.

(d) Widespread use of connectors in circuit connections, which make it easy to disconnect or restore connections during maintenance and overhaul.

2. Causes of electrical system failures

(a) The circuit is disconnected. The connection point in the circuit is in poor contact, and the current is on and off, which is the performance of the initial stage of the open-circuit fault.

(b) Short circuit. Because the motorcycle circuit is a single-wire system, the short circuit is usually caused by the wire (that is, the fire wire) directly connected to the car body (that is, the ground wire), so the short circuit is also called the iron or the iron.

(c) Incorrect connection of the circuit. There are two cases of misconnection: 1) the circuit that should be connected is not connected; 2) The circuit that should not be connected is connected, and the fault phenomenon is more complex, depending on the specific situation.

(d) Electrical equipment misalignment. Some parts or parts of the power supply and electrical equipment need to be properly adjusted. When a component or part (sometimes multiple) is seriously out of whack or improperly adjusted, it will affect the normal operation of the electrical system.

(e) Damage to electrical equipment. The normal cause of equipment damage is that some vulnerable parts exceed the specified use period, which causes premature damage to electrical equipment during the use period. In addition to the poor manufacturing quality of the parts used, most of them are caused by improper maintenance or installation adjustment.

When the electrical system fails, the first choice should pay attention to the performance of the fault, and according to the fault performance analysis, to initially determine the cause of the fault and the scope of the fault. When the individual electrical equipment is not working properly, it is usually not necessary to check the power supply equipment. When all the electrical equipment in a power supply circuit cannot work normally, it is necessary to find the cause and location of the fault step by step from the power supply equipment. When searching, we should follow the principles of easy first and difficult first, outside first and inside first, simple first and complex first, which can reduce detente and effectively improve the fault diagnosis efficiency. Under normal circumstances, you can first check whether there is a break, short circuit or wrong connection in the circuit, and then check whether the electrical equipment is out of order or damaged.

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